The Ministry of Minority Affairs was carved out of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and created on 29th January, 2006 to ensure a more focused approach towards issues relating to the notified minority communities namely Muslim, Christian, Budhist, Sikhs, Parsis and Jain. The mandate of the Ministry includes formulation of overall policy and planning, coordination, evaluation and review of the regulatory framework and development programmes for the benefit of the minority communities.
(i) Only girl students belonging to six notified Minority Communities i.e. Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Parsis are eligible.
(ii) Scholarship will be awarded to minorities’ girl students who are studying in Class 9th to 12th, and have secured at-least 50% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate in previous class/qualifying exam.
(iii) Scholarship will not be given to more than two students from a family of the same class.
(iv) No scholarship shall be given for studies abroad for any course.
Rs.5000/each for Class IX & X and Rs.6000/-each for Class XI & XII.
Annual income of parent/guardian from all sources does not exceed Rs.2.00 lakh.
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