This article will explore the paths that you can take in order to continue your career as a dentist after moving to Latvia. We will talk about the necessary documentation that you need to work and live in Latvia as well as the ways for you to gain the necessary licensing and registration required to legally practice dentistry there.

For starters, the first thing you will need to do if you are moving to Latvia from outside the European Union is to acquire a work visa and a residency visa. When doing this you will be asked to provide documentation such as your residency history, your identification documents, your financial records, proof that you do not have a criminal record, your marital status, your record of medical history, and anything else they might ask for.

Before you can start working as a dentist in Latvia, you will also need to have sufficient knowledge, and a diploma recognized by the Latvian Dental Association. It is almost certain that your qualifications will be recognized if you have gained them within the EU. If your qualifications come from outside the EU, you will likely need to have undergone at least two years of supervised training. It is also likely that if you are from outside of the European Union then your degree might not be recognized at all and you will need to undergo additional testing and assessments to prove that you have sufficient knowledge when it comes to dentistry.

Additionally, in Latvia, you will not need to know Latvian to be granted a medical license.

You also won’t need to pay a registration fee.

Dentists in Latvia can earn anywhere between £863 and £5,000 a month.

This brings us to the end of this article. We sincerely hope that you have found the aforementioned information useful. If you would like more information on this topic then we urge you to check out our other articles which you can find on our website. In them, we talk more about this, looking at other countries around the world and how you can gain a dental license in them.

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