This may be one of the first jobs that come to your mind when you think of careers relating to media studies – and for good reason! It is a very popular and desirable career path that international graduates frequently choose to take.

A career as a journalist involves researching, interviewing, and writing up articles that are of interest to your readers. The news articles you write can be for many different publications, online or printed. You would also be expected to participate in sub-editing and other aspects that are part of producing the publication.

As this is also a very creative and flexible role, your responsibilities will vary from employer to employer. Mostly, however, you'll probably be told to look up information on a specific topic, write and edit stories, carry out interviews, meet colleagues, manage deadlines, and keep up to date with particular developments that are important to your publication.

Ultimate Earning Potential for International Students in the US

Position in CareerAssociated Salary (US)
Entry Level Even though there are no strict qualifications for becoming a journalist, you will be expected to have a bachelor’s degree. You can still be a successful worker in this sector without one, but it may be more difficult, as your degree will give you the necessary skills to develop and build on later.$27,000
Experienced An experienced journalist would have worked in the role for several years and earned substantially more than junior colleagues. Your responsibilities will also increase, so you will be doing a lot more on top of your daily tasks.$41,000
Senior Many people struggle to reach more senior roles because of the fierce competition, so the best thing you can do to improve your chances is work on getting as much work experience and voluntary work as possible; it really will make a difference as an international graduate.$77,000

Top 10 Employers

  1. Havenpark Communities
  2. Outside Interactive
  3. The Washington Post
  4. Time Out Chicago
  5. Slate Magazine
  6. The New York Times
  7. Hearst Media Services
  8. Rabbit Hole Magazine
  9. Farm Sanctuary
  10. Quanta Magazine
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