Media studies is a well-known and loved subject chosen by students in the UK due to the diverse topics that it offers.

You'll be looking at the unique way different forms of media operate daily; this includes film, print and TV, and the way it impacts our society. We see media every day, and it is such an important tool and method of communication, that we often forget about the finer points of it. In media studies in the UK, you'll be learning about major influences that affect society and how the media conveys information to the public.


An arts administrator oversees the running of tours and events from a marketing and business perspective. You will be organising projects and different activities, which may sound like an event manager, but this job is only in the arts industry. The kind of areas you might find yourself working in are arts festivals, theatres, dance groups, galleries, local authorities, museums and community projects.  

What you'll be doing is making sure that the programmes and art all run perfectly, which includes being involved in the funding, staffing, and administrative duties too. More specifically, your responsibilities as an arts administrator will be planning and controlling the minor details of events, handling budgets, promoting content, and making all kinds of arrangements. 

If you're an international graduate who’s passionate about art and has excellent time management skills, then consider this in your work search!  


Position in Career  Associated Salary (UK)  
Entry Level  
To enter work in this sector, you'll need to have a degree, or diploma specialising in media, arts, business, or related courses. Alternatively, you could also do an apprenticeship if you think it would be a better fit for you. 
£15,000 - £20,000 
As you gain more experience you may be given more senior roles, where you can showcase your excellent skills and everything you’ve learnt about being an arts administrator.  
£20,000 - £30,000 
Working in senior positions means that you can hold the title of a chief executive or another senior management position. You'll have gained substantial levels of experience and knowledge, allowing you to earn salaries of potentially more than £60,000 a year.  
£30,000 - £60,000 


  1. University of the Arts London  
  2. Glasgow School of Arts  
  3. Antony Gormley Studio 
  4. Britten Pears Arts 
  5. National Youth Arts Wales 
  6. Maximillian William 
  7. Blue Rhino Art Consultancy 
  8. Beinghuman Ltd 
  9. Rosetta Arts 
  10. Angel Shed Theatre 


Media studies is a common degree international students and students in the UK do, and consequently, so are careers in this sector. It is such a creative and vibrant subject and allows the jobs directly associated with it to be just as creative. This means that employers know this and want people who can think outside the box and who are not afraid to take the initiative. Even though a background with education and a solid amount of work experience is very important in the working world, personal qualities are even more so in this case. Employers want to find people who are not necessarily fully experienced, but willing to go that extra mile and show enthusiasm in all areas of their work. This means that they will only continue to grow and be successful in the roles they’re given in the future.  

In conclusion, while working on your personal qualities and improving them is crucial – such as time management and self-confidence, you should try to do as much as possible that shows your passion for your work. This would include work experience, even unpaid indicating that this isn’t just another job for you. So, talk to your friends and family, and see if they know anybody willing to give you the opportunity to do some voluntary work at their workplace, and use it to learn about what makes an employee successful, and how you can be one too.  

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