Health studies is a degree that is often considered and pursued by prospective students around the world. 

This is usually because it opens so many doorways for the future; it’s one of the only degree subjects that has such a broad variety of career options. You might be considering this degree yourself, which means you probably have an interest in science or healthcare. That’s another great thing about this degree subject, as not everyone wants to follow the traditional route of becoming a doctor or going into medicine, but with this degree, you can still have a career in healthcare.  

This degree would give you a strong foundation in health and social care, as well as healthcare and law, allowing you to flourish with a starting career in wellbeing or anything similar you're aiming for.  


Counsellors are people who work in the mental health sector and help clients find solutions to the issues that may negatively affect their lives. They offer them choices and allow them to recognise and identify problems from a professional perspective. 

As you can imagine, this career requires you to listen carefully to your clients and show empathy and professionalism to make sure your client feels comfortable discussing their problems. Some things that you may find clients bring up are anxiety, depression, illnesses, grief, relationship and family issues, and employment difficulties. Someone in this role will be required to be impartial and objective and assist in helping clients find their own solutions rather then offering ones.  

Some responsibilities you'll have as a counsellor are developing a relationship built on trust with your clients, listening attentively, being encouraging, challenging issues, maintaining records and liaising with colleagues. This is another very popular career path for international graduates who look for work in the UK with a degree in health.  

Ultimate Earning Potential in the UK for International Students  

Position in Career  Associated Salary (UK)  
Entry Level To become a counsellor, you'll have to have formal qualifications as well as professional training to ensure your suitability for the role. You will be working with potentially vulnerable people, so it is vital to ascertain that you are capable of completing your tasks to an adequate level. You will also have to register to a professional body. £20,000 - £26,000 
Experienced  You can become an experienced counsellor after you have worked in this field for a substantial amount of time and have learnt all there is to know about being a counsellor. Your increase in salary will reflect this but remember that it can depend on where you work. £30,000 - £40,000 
Senior  Senior counsellors work in leadership or similar roles, where they earn higher earnings and have more responsibilities. They may even guide junior colleagues and have more authority in cases.  £40,000+ 

Top 10 Employers  

  1. Imperial College London 
  2. Psych Health Ltd 
  3. Barnardo's 
  4. JHD Counselling Services Ltd 
  5. Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust 
  6. Manchester Metropolitan University 
  7. Hiwell 
  8. University of Oxford 
  9. Counselling Essex and London 
  10. The Edinburgh Counselling Service 


Top employers everywhere often want the same thing and look for similar qualities in their candidates. They also have things that they aren’t fond of, such as a lack of work experience or a lack of any previous experience, in general, relating to their chosen career field. Employers usually want candidates who are not perfect but are willing and motivated to be as good as they can be in their jobs, as well as work lives. Seeing as a health studies degree can open so many different doors in your future, it only shows the absolutely huge range of options you have, which only makes the work experience more significant.  

Unfortunately for international graduates – or graduates in general – a degree is no longer sufficient to get you a job on its own. This is because of the fierce competition between them all, so employers really do look for the things that differentiate one graduate from another. The main factor would be work experience as mentioned before, as it showcases your genuine willingness and passion for taking initiative. Even better is that they aren’t too fussy about where you do your work experience or a volunteer since the skills you develop are transferable, so you can just do what you enjoy while improving your CV at the same time.  

In conclusion, as an international graduate looking for work in the UK with a degree in health studies, your only problem may be having too many options to choose from rather than too few as you may have been expecting. These career profiles are not the limit to your options and should only give you a taste of the type of careers that are on offer for you. Despite this, your degree can help you go into many career paths that are not directly related to your degree subject, even ones you believe to be not an option for you. Remember that you only decide your limits, and not by others.  

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