Digital copywriters are people who create written content for online sources, like web pages and other sites. This role – like many jobs that English graduates pursue – can also be as a freelance position instead of a typical office role. What you will be doing on a day-to-day basis is essentially engaging and promoting different services or products to a target audience. You might also oversee writing information about a brand to motivate them in furthering their interest in the industry.  

As a digital copywriter, you’ll have a lot to do since you’ll have to work in projects from the set-up to its final completion. Other tasks you might expect are communicating with clients, writing for your client’s target audience, and working with the team to identify how the different aspects of your work can be altered or improved.  

As you can imagine, English graduates who go on to this role are allowed a great deal of room for career progression, simply because there are less strict rules about career position lines; you might have to do similar work to juniors as well as those who have been working in the company for years. This gives you the opportunity to grow into your role and make it your own.  


Position in Career   Associated Salary (UK)  
Junior Copywriter  Most junior copywriters can have a background in many different areas, as this is a career where skills are more important than qualification. Despite this, it would be beneficial to have a degree in English or marketing to support your CV and give you the best chance of being hired.  £22,000 - £30,000 
Midweight Copywriter  To advance to a midweight copywriter position, you’ll need to build up your portfolio to display your experience and level of ability. Your degree would put you ahead of the rest as it will give you a unique foundation on writing effectively.   £25,000 - £40,000 
Senior Copywriter  Senior copywriters usually have qualifications such as a degree as well as having completed a course offered by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). They are more responsible for the team and have an area of specialism.   £45,000 - £80,000 


  1. Ink Global 
  2. Sense 
  3. The Brains Marketing 
  4. ClearScore 
  5. Source 
  6. Decathlon UK 
  7. Cinch Cars 
  8. Spring Studios Limited 
  9. VaynerMedia LLC 
  10. Ted Baker 
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